Initial Roadmap

Q4 2022:

Project Launch:

  1. Actively monitor single-stake vaults performance, assets weight, and supply/demand to expand deposit cap over time.

  2. Expand $GMD supply/protocol’s reserve to capture the protocol’s growth in revenue and demand for risk management

  3. Optimizing protocol UI/UX

  4. Discussing with GMX and other perpetual/options platforms for further collaboration

Q1 2023:

GMD Subsidiary Products:

  1. Money Market App to allow borrowing and lending with GMD tokens as collateral

  2. GMD Club NFTs

  3. GMD Merch

  4. GMD DAO Voting

Vaults and Collaboration Products:

With the expectation that Gains Network's new DAI vault mechanism has been released on Arbitrum and that GMX’s synthetics are released.

  1. Vaults and strategies on top of Gains’ Dai vault

  2. Vaults and strategies on top of GMX’s synthetics

  3. Vaults and strategies on top of BFR's vaults.

  4. Our own synthetic assets and yield generating through arbitrages Potential expansion on other chains (GNS, MMF on Polygon, and LYRA on Optimism...)

Q2 2023:


Last updated